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A list of all my publications, pre-prints, and other works that I have co-authored sorted by type of publication.

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Awards, Conference, Journal, Workshop, Other (preprint/code/dataset).


Towards Trustworthy Autonomous Systems via Conversations and Explanations.
Balint Gyevnar; Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(21), 23389-23390; 2024.
paper, bibtex

Causal Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems.
Balint Gyevnar, Cheng Wang, Christopher G. Lucas, Shay B. Cohen, Stefano V. Albrecht; 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2024.
paper, bibtex

Bridging the Transparency Gap: What Can Explainable AI Learn From the AI Act?.
Balint Gyevnar, Nick Ferguson, Burkhard Schafer; 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), October 2023.
paper, bibtex

GRIT: Fast, Interpretable, and Verifiable Goal Recognition with Learned Decision Trees for Autonomous Driving.
Cillian Brewitt, Balint Gyevnar, Samuel Garcin, Stefano V. Albrecht; IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021.
paper, bibtex

Interpretable Goal-based Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving.
Stefano V. Albrecht, Cillian Brewitt, John Wilhelm, Balint Gyevnar, Francisco Eiras, Mihai Dobre, Subramanian Ramamoorthy; IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021.
paper, video, bibtex


Communicative Efficiency or Iconic Learning: Do communicative and acquisition pressures interact to shape colour-naming systems?.
Balint Gyevnar, Gautier Dagan, Coleman Haley, Shangmin Guo, and Francis Mollica; Entropy, 24(11), 1542; 2022.
paper, bibtex


Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Early Career Research Award.
Balint Gyevnar; Knowledge Transfer Track, £4000, UK Research & Innovation, July 2023.

Love, Sex, and AI.
Balint Gyevnar; Selected Essay, One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100) Early Career Essay Competition, Stanford University, 2023.
essay, bibtex

Cars that Explain: Building Trust in Autonomous Vehicles through Explanations and Conversations.
Balint Gyevnar; “Shape the Future of ITS” Competition, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS), 2022.
paper, video, certificate, bibtex


People Attribute Purpose to Autonomous Vehicles When Explaining Their Behavior.
Balint Gyevnar, Stephanie Droop, Tadeg Quillien; 6th International Workshop on EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2024); arXiv:2403.08828; 2024.
paper, bibtex

Causal Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems.
Balint Gyevnar, Cheng Wang, Christopher G. Lucas, Shay B. Cohen, Stefano V. Albrecht; IJCAI 2023 Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
paper, bibtex

A Human-Centric Method for Generating Causal Explanations in Natural Language for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning.
Balint Gyevnar, Massimiliano Tamborski, Cheng Wang, Christopher G. Lucas, Shay B. Cohen, and Stefano V. Albrecht; IJCAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, 2022.
paper, video, bibtex

Other (preprint/dataset/code)

Explainable AI for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Driving: A Systematic Review.
Anton Kuznietsov, Balint Gyevnar, Cheng Wang, Steven Peters, Stefano V. Albrecht; arXiv:2402.10086
paper, bibtex

HEADD: Human Explanations for Autonomous Driving Decisions.
Balint Gyevnar, Cheng Wang, Christopher G. Lucas, Shay B. Cohen, Stefano V. Albrecht.
dataset, bibtex

IGP2 Code Repository.
Balint Gyevnar, Cillian Brewit, Samuel Garcin, Massimiliano Tamborski, and Stefano V. Albrecht.

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